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News Nuovo diario degli sviluppatori di Snake Pass

Sumo Digital ha annunciato, tramite comunicato stampa, un nuovo diario degli sviluppatori di Snake Pass, in uscita il prossimo 28 Marzo su Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch e PC. Maggiori dettagli nel comunicato riportato di seguito.


Sumo Digital Releases Second Snake Pass Developer Diary for Slithery Physics Platformer

Developer Sumo Digital have released the second video developer diary forSnake Pass titled – Snake Biology – Getting Technical. The team explores the technical features that make Snake Pass come to life, including character movements, grass and lighting. Check out the developer diary here:


Snake Pass launches on PlayStation®4, Xbox One™, Nintendo Switch™ and PC on March 28th in North America and March 29th in Europe. Snake Pass has players slither, curl and climb their way through increasingly challenging worlds, filled with ever more intricate obstacles and fiendishly mind-bending objectives. With 15 levels of Snaketacular gameplay, Snake Pass is a unique and charming title that will challenge you to think like a snake!


Snake Pass launches for $19.99/€19.99/£15.99 on March 28th in North America and March 29th in Europe for PlayStation®4, Xbox One™, Nintendo Switch™ and PC. Snake Pass is now available for pre-order on PlayStation®4 with 20% off for PlayStation Plus members until March 29th.


