Il publisher Soedesco ha annunciato che il gioco indie Earthlock Festival of Magic, sviluppato da Snowcastle Games, verrà rilasciato quest’inverno su PS4, Xbox One e PC sia in version digitale che retail.



Qui sotto una panoramica del GDR a turni sopracitato:





Desert scavenger Amon finds himself in the adventure of his life when he crosses paths with a most peculiar creature back home in Zaber. Join Amon and other remarkable heroes in this turn-based fantasy RPG, on an unforgettable journey across the world of Umbra; a mysterious, beautiful but harsh planet that stopped spinning thousands of cycles ago.


  • Explore the magical world of Umbra
  • Fast and deep turn‐based battles
  • Harvest magical materials and craft items on your home island
  • Thorough character customization
  • A set of unlikely and unique heroes, each with their own unique fighting style
  • Talent Table: combining a classic ‘skilltree’ and equipment to customise your character’s progression


Qui sotto, invece, potete visionare l’ultimo trailer rilasciato ed alcune immagini di gameplay:







Continuate a seguirci per le News su Earthlock Festival of Magic e molto altro.

